Creating a Cloud User

Creating a Cloud User

You need Administrator privileges to set up Cloud users.  Once you have logged onto the Partner DMS Cloud as an Administrator, go to Admin Settings > Cloud Users

Set up the user profile to allow the user to log into Silent Partner Cloud

To add a new user, click "Add DMS User."

First, confirm that the user you are about to add does not already exist by searching the "Select an existing user" dropdown. 
If the user appears on this list, select the user group to which they belong in the "Add the User to a group" dropdown and click "Attach this user to DMS." 

If the user you need to add does NOT appear in the list, then click "Add a New User."

Fill in all fields with an asterix (*) and click "Save."

A pop up will appear on screen with the New Web User id number. Click "OK"

Setting permissions for the user

In the list of users, find the user you want to edit, and click the far right arrow under the "Profile" heading.

You will now be in the Web User Profile where under Summary (1) you will see the Permission Summary (2) for the user (3)

Please click Add user to Selected Group On the right hand of the screen you will notice the Functions and Permissions based on the Group

Assign GL accounts to the user so they can access donation information

Select the GL Accounts tab to assign accounts for this user.

Under "Direct Account Assignments" select the GL accounts to assign to the user. You can also select GL accounts they would inherit from other users. This allows a user's supervisor to see the user's donation information.

Assigning Connectors

This only applies if your organization uses connectors to limit which donor records/CRM records users should be able to see.
You may see an additional tab in the User Profile called “Connectors”. If Connectors are enabled for your organization, you have more control over which staff can work with which donor profiles. Connectors allows you to:
  1. Restrict particular staff members to a sub-section of your donor list
  2. Allow other staff members to see all donors.
  3. Staff members will only be able to work with the donor records that have been assigned to them.
Essentially, Connectors govern which donors a user can “see”.

Silent Partner Cloud User Summar

The table below summarizes the different user permissions available for Silent Partner Cloud:

User Configuration
GL Accounts Manager
By entering another user as a user's GL Accounts Manager you are establishing a hierarchical relationship. The user set as the GL Accounts Manager will be able to view any GL accounts assigned to a user configured to be under them.
User Profile
Security Group(s)
Security Group(s) are configured under DMS Admin>Roles & Groups and a user is required to have a Security Group in order to access the system. Security Groups grant users permissions associated to the Role attached to the Security Group as well as access to shared G/L accounts and Connectors (if configured). A user can belong to multiple Security Groups.
GL Accounts
Accounts Inherited From Security Group(s)
Any G/L accounts inherited from Security Group(s) assigned to a user will be listed.

Accounts Inherited From Staff
Any G/L accounts inherited through the G/L Accounts Manager function will be listed.

Direct Account AssignmentsG/L accounts can be directly assigned to a user through this interface. 
ConnectorsConnectors Inherited From Security Group(s)Any connectors inherited from Security Group(s) assigned to a user will be listed.

Direct Connector AssignmentsConnectors can be directly assigned to a user through this interface. 

If you need to reset a password or unlock an account please read Manage Passwords and Security Lock Outs in the Cloud

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