Giving by Donor Report

Giving by Donor Report

This report focuses on the donor and what the donor has given.  The summary report lists the donor’s name, number of gifts and total dollar amounts of the gifts given.  The detailed report lists each gift by donor, including the batch number, G/L account, method of payment, motivation code, receipt number (if any) and deductibility status.  As with most reports, you set the date criteria and have the option for additional filtering.

Another report found here shows the monthly giving total of a donor. You select a twelve-month period, and the report shows the monthly totals for each donor over that period in a spreadsheet-like format, along with grand totals.

Please start off by going to your Green Screen, selecting Reports - Giving by Donor

Here your be presented with the Report wizard, Please choose your starting and ending dates (1), then you can select your Report Version (2). You then have the options (3) of adding additional information to your report. If you desire to have an Excel copy (4)here is where you would select it. Once you have all your parameters in place, you have the option (5) to Preview first or Print it right away.


If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate in contacting your Support Team at 1-888-888-2086 extension 3 or send us an email at

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