How to clone a batch

How to clone a batch

If you are unfortunate enough to have entered a batch of donations incorrectly, for example by assigning the wrong motivation code or G/L, you will need to reverse the entire batch and then re-enter the donations correctly. Reversing a donation, or a batch of donations results in a zero (0) balance for this gift but leaves a clear audit trail.

To clone a batch:

  1. Click Donation entry, as if you were going to set up a batch.

  2. Click Clone 

  3. Select the batch you need to reverse.  NOTE:  If you are trying to clone a batch that can't be cloned, the Clone button will be greyed out.

  4. Click the Clone button.

  5. Leave the date, motivation code, Designation account, payment method, etc. exactly as it was when you entered the donations the first time. It is recommended that you add a short description to the end of the batch Description to mark this as a reversal batch.

  6. In the bottom, right-hand corner, click the drop-down next to Is this a Reversal Batch? and select "Yes" and then "OK."
    This will create a copy of the original batch in which you made your error. The copied batch is pre-populated with all of the original donations except that all of the donations in the batch will now be the negative value.

  7.  Check the batch to ensure it is correct and that all of the donations in the batch should be reversed. 

  8. To re-enter the donations correctly, go through steps 1-4. 
    1. At step 5, adjust the defaults for the batch to correct your error.
    2. DO NOT mark the batch as a reversal batch (Step 6) as you did when reversing the batch.
    3. Check the batch, post it, and process the receipts (steps 7 & 8)

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