In WordPress, a "post" is a type of content used to publish articles, news updates, and time-sensitive information. Posts are typically organized by date and are a fundamental element for creating a blog or news website. They can include text, images, and other media. The category of post can also determine where on the site the post is displayed.
Step 1: Log into your WordPress website.
Once you log into your website, you will see your WordPress dashboard, with the Dashboard Menu on the left.
Step 2: On the left, in the Dasboard Menu you will see "Posts". Hover your mouse over Posts and you should see more options. Click on "Add New".
This will take you to a page that shows you a few different fields that you need to populate in order to add the post.
Step 3: Populate the post with your content.
You will see something that looks like the following. Please see the explanation below the image for what all the fields mean.

DO NOT CLICK - Do not click on the "Edit with Elementor" button if you see one. If you do happen to click on it, there will be a "Back to WordPress Editor" button that appears in it's place. Click on that and you should be good to go.
The fields in purple are the fields you will generally want to populate. The field marked in green is one that you may optionally use. The red field is never to be used.
The fields in the image above:
- Add Title - This is the title of the post. It is what will appear in larger bold letters on the website after the post is published.
- Post Excerpt - This is the summary of the post and needs to be populated in order to display on the front.
- Featured Image - On the bottom right of your screen is the featured image field. This is the main image of the post and it will show on the website in lists or carousels of posts. Click on "Set featured image" and you can either upload a new image or add an existing image to the post.
- Add Media - This field is NOT the primary image field and if this post appears in a list or carousel of posts, adding an image with this button will NOT make it appear in that list or gallery. This is what you would use to add images in the body of your post, in between paragraphs of text. To do so, please see the instructions here, for more information.
- Content - The large field with formatting buttons on top is the content field where you can add your text or additional images (with the Add Media button).
- Categories - On the right, there is a categories field that will help you categorize the type of information the post contains. The categories will differ from site to site. Depending on how your site is set up, these categories can be used to display the post on certain pages on your site.
Step 4: Once you have added all the content you would like to add, you can publish the post. To do this click on the "Publish" button on the right.
This completes the process of creating a post!
Optional: Schedule when a post is published
You can choose to publish a post at a later date and time instead of publishing it immediately when you finish writing it. In order to do so, on the top right, in the "Publish" box, in the line that reads "Publish immediately", click on the "Edit" button.
You will then be presented with a set of fields that allows you to choose the date and time when the post will be published. Once you have entered your preferred date and time, click on the "OK" button underneath and then click on "Publish".

Post does not display on the website after publishing
The two most common reasons for this are:
- The correct category was not selected and the post is not displaying where you expect it to. To fix this, please see instructions on how to edit the post here.
- The version of the site that you are viewing is a cached version (i.e. an older version). If refreshing your page does not help, please attempt the steps below.
Viewing an un-cached version of your page.
- Sometimes, it can take some time for the post to show up on the website. This is because of something called caching, which saves and displays an older version of a page to reduce the time it takes a page to load.
- If you would like to be certain that the post is showing up on the appropriate page, in the address bar of your browser, after your website's URL, type in a question mark followed by a random mix of letters and numbers. This should look something like this screenshot:

- Once you are done that, press enter on your keyboard. This will show you an un-cached version of the page where you should see the newly created post.
- If the post appears on the un-cached page, it means you are all set. The new version will appear in about an hour or so.
- If the post still does not appear, please reach out to us.
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