How to edit your profile in Partner HR

How to edit your profile in Partner HR

Setting up your user profile and keeping it up to date is very important to the effectiveness of your account within Partner HR. You can edit your profile by following the step-by-step instructions below.

Note for Partner HR administrators: To allow your employees to edit their own profiles, make sure you have enabled the "Allow employees to edit their own profile" option (under Settings > Company Configuration > Company-wide Permissions)

On your dashboard, click your account name to access the Profile account.

That will open your Employee Profile. Click the pencil icon to edit your profile.

Once you are done editing your profile, click the save button to save the changes

You can also upload your profile picture. To do this, click the profile picture placeholder, then click the "Choose File" button to upload your picture. Click "Save Picture" button once you are done. 

If you cannot edit your user profile, please see the article " Can employees or users edit their own Profile?"

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