How to manage users as an administrator
As an administrator, you have the ability to add and remove users from your WordPress site. After you have added a user, you can edit profiles at any time and change any information such as password, change in their role, and more.
1. Click on the Users tab in your WordPress admin to go to the user page.
2. Click the "Edit" to access the user’s profiles.
3. On the Edit User "Name" page, you can use the fields to make changes for the Name, email, Biographical Info and etc. The Username cannot be edited.
4. To change the password, use the "Set New Password" button.
5. Or you can use the "Send Reset Link" button to send the reset password link.
6. Use the check box to set the role for the user.
6. Once you are done, click the "Update User" button.
On the "Users" page, you can bulk edit users to change their roles by using the checkbox,- if in case you want to upgrade or downgrade several users’ roles at the same time.
Tip: Users can also edit their own profile by going to Users » Profile in the WordPress dashboard. They can add a profile picture and change most of their details, but they cannot change their role.
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