Silent Partner Software Client Backup Retention Policy

Silent Partner Software Client Backup Retention Policy

It is highly recommended to backup your data and send a copy to Silent Partner on a regular basis.

Why should I send a copy of my backup to Silent Partner?
In the event of catastrophic damage to the computer hosting your Silent Partner, we can get you back up and running quickly with the most recent backup you've sent us, with little to no loss of data.

Is there a fee?
There is no fee for this service.

How often should I backup my Silent Partner?  
How often you backup your Silent Partner depends on how much new data you enter into Silent Partner, and how much data you could comfortably lose in the event you had to restore Silent Partner from backup.  If losing a day's worth of data would have a significant impact, then backing up at least once a day is recommended. 

Daily backups is the most responsible practice to follow. We recommend weekly at a minimum.

How long are backups stored by Silent Partner Software?
As you can imagine, we can have hundreds of your backup files on our server.  Because we can't save every backup, we have developed the following policy for retaining client backups:
  1. The first backup you make each year will be stored for 5 years. 
  2. The first backup of each month will be stored for 1 year.
  3. Other backups, such as daily backups, will be kept for 35 days.
In addition, if you make multiple backups in a single day, Silent Partner Software keeps the last backup of the day. This means that if you make multiple backups on the first of the month, we'll store the last backup from that day for one year.

This means that at any given time, Silent Partner Software has your backup files for the start of the year for the last 5 years, a backup for the start of each month for the last 12 months, and the last backup of the day for the last 35 days.

Remember that you also have any local backups your store on your system!

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