From your Green Screen, please select Reports-Additional analytical reports-Stratified giving by donor
Here you will be presented with the Stratifed giving by donor from Jan 01-2017 to Current date menu. You will first notice the levels (1) of giving, which can be modified (2) , you can also edit the starting, ending dates and save them in Excel as well (3) As always, you will be able to either Preview the Report (4) or Print it.
In this example, we will be editing (1) the first level (2) by removing the .01$ and replacing it with 1.00$
As you can see, we have successfully editing the level (1) and now we are editing the starting date (2)
You can also change the Print Order from Highest to lowest level or Lowest to Highest level.
This is what your report will look like. In the example, 28.57% of your donors gave between $3000-3999 in donations which represents 83.85% of your total giving and so forth. Very handy report to have!
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate in contacting your Support Team at 888-855-2086 extension 3 or send us an email at