Desktop Word search comments field
Desktop Word search comments field Version 1, last updated by sam.arcamone887488 at 2017-03-28 This feature is really helpful when searching for an old address as the system will place the old address in the Comments field. From your Donors screen, ...
Desktop Searching for an email address
Desktop Searching for an email address Version 1, last updated by sam.arcamone887488 at 2017-03-28 It has happened that we need to look up an email address but don't remember the entire address, here is a way to search for it in the Desktop ...
Using a merge file to create a complete donor list
Using a merge file to create a complete donor list Version 2, last updated by sam.arcamone887488 at 2016-08-03 N.B This is for a customer that wants to create a donor contact list with all the information included when the donor list report just ...
Memorizing Scopes & Running Saved Queries
Memorize a Scope If you have a filter in place, or have tagged a list of names and wish to save that list for future use, you may want to memorize your current scope. To do this: Click the "Filter" button (it looks like a green funnel). If you used ...
Doing a word search in the comments field in Silent Partner desktop
This feature is really helpful when searching for an old address as the system will place the old address in the Comments field. From your Donors screen, please click on the Filter icon (1), from the Donor Table (2) select Word(s) in comments (3) and ...
Creating a query for cash AND check donations
From your Green Screen click on the Donor Icon Click on the Filter Icon Here you will be presented with the Select Viewing Criteria window. You will select Tab 2-Other Tables, and select Donations received. At that point you will click on ...