Scan your new signature and save it with exactly the same file name. Remove the old file and save the new ###sig.jpg file in your SPW folder. Make sure that when you compare the old and new signature files. They should look the same, in terms of the size of the signature and the amount of white space around them.
There is also a ###log.jpg file. Do not replace this – it contains your logo!
Why is my donor getting the wrong type of receipt?
The donor type is incorrect or the donation was entered as a non-deductible donation.
Why this works:
The type of receipt the Silent Partner creates is based on 3 factors:
the donor type on the donor’s record
whether the donation is deductible/charitable or not
whether it’s a third-party donation or not.
Donor type I or B are eligible for an Official receipt that can be used to reduce income tax; all other donor types will only be eligible for Unofficial receipts
Only charitable/deductible donations will be eligible for Official receipts
Third party donations (where a person gives through another charity) are not receiptable for the individual and the third-party is only eligible for Unofficial receipts
“Only part of the donor’s donation is appearing on their receipt and there is a Donor Advantage on it. What’s that?”
A donor advantage is when a donor receives something in return for their donation. ie they buy a Gala ticket and in return they receive a meal. The portion of the ticket cost that covers the meal is the donor advantage and is not eligible for an Official receipt.
“The receipt message is wrong! Even though I correct it, it’s still not printing the message I have entered.”
Annual receipts, or receipts that include more than one donation, use a specific reply code. Even if all donations entered were to one reply code, Silent Partner uses a default reply code for these receipts. Most often it is reply code 20 or 9 but differs for each client.